COVID-19 Vaccine Information for New Jerseyeans

New Jersey has experienced over 400,000 positive cases and approximately 16,000 deaths associated with COVID-19. Vaccination is the latest tool in our toolbox to stop the spread. New Jersey recently rolled out COVID-19 vaccines step-by-step to serve all who live, work or study in the state.

Starting in mid-December and continuing into early 2021, vaccine access will be given to New Jersey’s Phase 1A Group: health care workers, who are paid and unpaid persons serving in healthcare settings, who have the potential for direct or indirect exposure to patients or infectious materials. Phase 1A also includes long-term care residents and staff.

Once vaccine availability expands, vaccination will advance to Phase 1B, then Phase 1C, and then Phase 2.

Currently, Phase 1B of vaccination will include frontline essential workers and individuals over 75; Phase 1C will include other essential workers, adults 65-74, and persons aged 16-64 with medical conditions that increase the risk for severe COVID-19.

Following these phases, the general public (Phase 2) will be eligible for vaccination.

New Jersey's COVID-19 vaccination program aims to:

  • Provide equitable access to all who live, work, and/or are educated in New Jersey

  • Achieve community protection, assuming vaccine effectiveness, availability and uptake

  • Build sustainable trust in COVID-19 and other vaccines

    New Jersey’s goal is to vaccinate 70 percent of the adult population - 4.7 million adults - within six months.

Please review the three documents below for further explanation about New Jersey’s vaccine access plan:


January 28

NJ Human Services’ Division of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing has developed a COVID-19 pre-vaccination communication card checklist for individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing. The card can be used as a tool to help communicate vital information before receiving the COVID-19 vaccination. The pre-vaccination checklist is available in both English and Spanish. Individuals can still request communication access accommodations.


January 25

New Jersey now has a COVID-19 Vaccine Call Center to assist in making appointments.

Vaccine Appointment Support Line: 1-855-568-0545 Open 8am to 8pm


January 21


January 12

The Boggs Center on Developmental Disabilities has developed two new resources to provide information about COVID-19 vaccines and help people with intellectual and developmental disabilities understand what to expect.